Journey inside to find stability, space and energetic control through the abdominal (Uddiyana) and pelvic (Mulalabandha) kriyas and mudras in a pranayama sequence originally taught by Geeta Iyengar (including Supta Baddhakonasana, Antara Kumbhaka, Viloma, Bahya Kumbhaka)
Video Tags: bhramari
May 15, 2022 Sunday All Levels
Release unnecessary tension in asana and through the breath (including Supta Padangusthasana, Parsva Upavistha Konasana, Bhramari Pranayama)
August 3, 2021 Tuesday Beginners
Enter your inner world through physical action, breath, sound and mudra (including Bharadvajasana, Supta Baddhakonasana, Bhramari Pranayama, Sanmukhi Mudra and more)