Centralize your awareness in your back through standing poses and backbends.
Video Tags: spine
March 14, 2021 Sunday All Levels
Find your “backbone” of support to uplift yourself in balancing, standing and back bending asanas (including Virabhadrasana I, Salabhasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana and more)
February 11, 2021 Thursday Intermediate Class
Use the supports of the legs to feed the lift and softness of the spine, interior body and breath (including Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, Ustrasana, Setubandha, and more)
December 27, 2020 Sunday All Levels Asana
Bring evenness to the banks of the spine (including Parighasana, Anantasana, Ekapada Setubandha)
November 26, 2020 Thanksgiving All Levels Class
Remove dullness and awaken the spine (including Supta Padangusthasana, Virabhadrasana I, and Ustrasana)