The 3 diaphragms in connection with bandha and prana vayu, Clasping hands in Malasana, Contrasting the sutras on the obstacles in the 1st chapter with the sutras on asana in the 2nd chapter of Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras; and more.
Video Tags: Q&A
February 25, 2021 Q&A with Marla
Inversions & Osteoporosis, Coming out of Viparita Dandasana, Coming out of Sarvangasana, Samadhi and more
January 28, 2021 Q&A with Marla
Strengthening & stretching ankles and knees, symbolism in Patañjali invocation, online yoga vs in-person, hip pain in standing poses, flexible hamstrings in forward bends, the foot in Gomukhasana, Vasistasana and Visvamitrasana and more
November 30, 2020 Q&A with Marla
Discussion of the stages of Ujjayi pranayama, emotions in asanas, sequencing before and after inversions, and more.
October 29, 2020 Q&A with Marla
September 30, 2020 Q&A with Marla
Monthly Q&A (including discussion of sequencing of inversions, knee pain, asanas for immune system and inflammation and more)
August 27, 2020 Q&A with Marla
Monthly Q&A (including discussion of scoliosis & twisting asanas, bulging discs, sacrum pain and more)
July 27, 2020 Q&A with Marla
Monthly Q&A (including discussion of home practice motivation, elbow pain, Iyengar Yoga teaching certification, sacrum pain in brick Setubandha, and more)
June 29, 2020 Q&A with Marla
Monthly Q&A (including discussion of learning inversions while in quarantine, working with sciatica and other injuries in home practice, working with the back and abdomen in forward bends, and more)