Balance extension and contraction, make space in the knee and bring all of your faculties together for a centered approach (including Akunchanasana, Bhekasana, Karnapidasana)

Balance extension and contraction, make space in the knee and bring all of your faculties together for a centered approach (including Akunchanasana, Bhekasana, Karnapidasana)
Find sanctuary within in this quieting practice of supported asanas and pranayama (including Adho Mukha Svanasana, Niralamba Sarvangasana, Bhramari and Ujjayi Pranayama)
Move forward and inward with a progressive forward bending sequence (including Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana, Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana, Akarna Dhanurasana, Supta Kurmasana)
Cultivate calm through the organs of perception in asana and pranayama (including Niralamba Sarvangasana, Halasana, Sanmukhi Mudra, Brahmari)
Separate and bind the limbs to cultivate of the higher decisive mind (including Parsva Upavistha Konasana, Supta Kurmasana, Yoga Mudrasana)
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