Find the subtlety in practice through refinement of the senses, breath, and awareness of prana (including Sirsasana, Niralamba Sarvangasana, seated pranayama)

Find the subtlety in practice through refinement of the senses, breath, and awareness of prana (including Sirsasana, Niralamba Sarvangasana, seated pranayama)
Bring peace to the throat, eyes, and brain in asana and pranayama (including Adho Mukha Svanasana, Ardha Sirsasana, Niralamaba Sarvangasana, Brahmari Pranayama)
Clear the channels for direction of breath and energy (including Parsvottanasana, Mahamudra, Antara and Bahya Kumbhaka)
Explore the role of posture, kriya, mudra and bandha on the breath (including Sirsasana, Mahamudra, Siddhasana and Pranayama)
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