Open and expand the chest (including Supta Baddhakonasana, Purvottanasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana on the chair)
Video Tags: backbends
July 22, 2021 Thursday Intermediate
Open the chest by moving the back of the spine into the body and creating space at the base of the neck (including Urdhva Dhanurasana from the chair, Ustrasana and Viparita Dandasana)
May 2, 2021 Sunday All Levels
Isolate the inner thighs to lengthen the back in standing poses and maintain hip neutrality in backbends (including Utthita Trikonasana, Virabhadrasana I, Salabhasana, chair Sarvangasana)
February 2, 2021 Tuesday Beginner Class
Provide support from below for backbending (including Utkatasana, Virabhadrasana I, Salabhasana, and more)
January 12, 2021 Tuesday Beginner Class
Strengthen and stabilize the shoulders and upper back while increasing mobility (Including Virabhadrasana I, Gomukhasana, Bhujangasana, and Salabhasana)
January 7, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Moving from the root of the pelvis to extend the whole spine into backbends (including Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, Chair Viparita Dandasana and Kapotasana)
December 20, 2020 Sunday All Levels Asana
Prepare the shoulders, hips and spine for back-bending (including Parsvottanasana, Bhekasana, Salabhasana, and more)
December 17, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Awaken and enliven with backbends (including Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana, Viparita Dandasana and more)
November 24, 2020 Tuesday Beginner Level
Opening the chest with and without supports in supine, standing and backbending asanas (including Trikonasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana and more).
November 12, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Moving the two ends of the spine in backbends (including Supta Virasana, Pincha Mayurasana and Viparita Dandasana).
October 15, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Awakening the root of the spine in backbends and inversions (including Anantasana, Parsva Salabhasana, Parsva Dhanurasana, and more)
October 6, 2020 Tuesday Beginner Level
Moving from the hips and upper back in supine, standing and back bending poses (including Supta Padangusthasana, Virabhadrasana I, and Bhujangasana)
September 24, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Use the joints to balance the diaphragm in backbends (including Adho Mukha Vrksasana and Urdhva Dhanurasana from the chair and floor).
September 10, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Freeing the frontal spine in backbends (Including: Viparita Dandasana in the chair, Ustrasana, Urdhva Dhanurasana)
August 16, 2020 Sunday All Levels Asana (Part 2)
Preparing for and using support for backbends (including Utkatasana, Bhujangasana, and Ustrasana)
August 16, 2020 Sunday All Levels Asana (Part 1)
Preparing for and using support for backbends (including Utkatasana, Bhujangasana, and Ustrasana)
August 13, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Coordinate leg/hip rotation with the sacrum and spine to elongate and experience the quality of the asana in backbends (including Virabhadrasana III, Supta Bhekasana, Kapotasana in the chair)
July 9, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Coordinate length and action in the upper and lower body in back bends (including Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, chair and independent Viparita Dandasana)
July 2, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Activating the tailbone to practice nirodha (restraint) and channel the consciousness (including Sirsasana, Ustrasana, and Urdhva Dhanurasana)
June 11, 2020 Thursday Intermediate Class
Shoulder and pelvic actions in backbends (including Adho Mukha Natarajasana and Dhanurasana).