Prepare the cavities of the body for pranayama (including Gomukhasana, supported Matsyasana and Setubandha)
Video Tags: abdomen
September 12, 2021 Sunday All Levels
Connect the abdomen with the back and legs for lightness, balance and stability (including Supta Padangusthasana, Virabhadrasana III, Mahamudra)
July 25, 2021 Sunday All Levels
Activate the abdomen through playful movement (including Urdhva Prasarita Padasana, Supta Padangusthasana, Bharadvajasana and more)
April 15, 2021 Thursday Intermediate
Engage the abdomen to lift the legs (including Urdhva Dandasana, Navasana, Bhujapidasana and more)